Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the data stored?
All data is stored in Canada. It can also be stored in the country of your choice.
How is it being protected?
VQueues is a secure cloud-based system powered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It uses the best security practices and has undergone extensive penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.
Who has access to the data?
None of our staff has access to your data.
How are customer's form responses stored?
The data is encrypted and stored. Once the customer is either checked in or leaves the queue, the data is deleted. This means the data is on our system for the duration that the customer is in the queue.
Can customers join more than one queue?
Customers can join only one queue at a time.
Can a customer join a queue from far away?
Customers may only join queues within 1000 metres from the business.
What if I miss a notification?
If one misses a notification, a message will be displayed on the ticket screen alerting the individual to make their way to the business.
How many queues can a business create?
A business can create and configure unlimited queues.
How many managers can a business have?
A business can create and add unlimited queue managers to a single account.
How do I register branches?
To register branches, create an individual account for each branch using a unique business name.